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How CBD Can Enhance Your Athletic Performance

How CBD Can Enhance Your Athletic Performance

For many athletes, it can be a struggle to find something all-natural to help improve their performance. After all, it has to adhere to anti-doping laws as well as be safe to consume. So outside of herbs and supplements, what does this leave? Our answer: CBD.

Cannabidnoil, or better known as CBD, has grown in popularity over the last few years among athletes across all different sports. This is thanks to the many all-natural healing qualities of CBD, including its ability to help ease pain, provide better rest at night, and recoup sore muscles. And that’s only scratching the surface!

What is CBD?

First, let’s take a closer look at CBD. If you haven’t heard of it before, it’s okay to have some questions! CBD is actually an oil that is extracted from a cannabis plant. It is one of over 100+ different types of cannabinoids present in a cannabis plant. These cannabinoids are harvested from the leaves and buds before being extracted and separated. After extraction is done, CBD actually turns into a colorless, crystalline structure. When at room temperature, CBD is at its purest form. Both hemp and cannabis can be a good source of CBD. However, the CBD derived from cannabis tends to be more potent than when it is pulled from hemp.

Benefits for Atheltes?

So what health benefits can CBD provide for athletes? Based on recent research, there are quite a few!

1.)Reduces Pain and Inflamation If there is one thing that is true, athletes are no strangers to pain and inflammation. No matter the sport, workouts can certainly take their toll. Some studies have found that CBD could help to alleviate the pain and inflammation that inevitably comes from tissue damage and neuropathic pain. This is an excellent finding, especially for any sort of endurance athletes, such as long distance runners or swimmers.

2.)Improves Gastointestinal Health There were are some findings that CBD helps with gastrointestinal health. While some people might not think of the gastrointestinal tract when it comes to athletes, it can certainly be a real concern. This is due in part to the fact that athletes who push themselves through rigorous training regularly can actually reduce their oxygen and nutrient intake.

3.)Improves Bone Health Drinking milk loaded with calcium isn’t the only way to improve bone health! In the same aforementioned study, researchers took a closer look at how CBD also impacts our bones and skeletal system. From their findings, they were able to conclude that CBD could in fact work to help heal fractures and support the overall quality of bone density and disposition. This is great news, as a broken bone can certainly cause a major setback.

4.) Reduces Stress and Anxiety If you have ever prepped for a big game or championship competition, you know how nerve racking it can be. The anxiety can certainly shift your focus and distract you from being adequately prepared. This can have a huge, negative impact on your performance – after all, sports are just as much a mental game as a physical one. The less tense and anxious you feel, the better focused your mind will become. You will be able to rest better as well as pay attention to the things that really matter. Stress can certainly be draining and decrease our situational awareness.

5.)Rest & Relaxation Perhaps one of the biggest negative factors is the lack of sleep or restlessness that can befall athletes. It can be difficult to get proper rest for several reasons, including anxiety or simply the inability to get your body to calm down after experiencing so many endorphins. This can get you back on track for your sleep schedule. After all, it can be difficult to compete when you’re plain exhausted!

6.)Alleviate Joint Pain Excercise is good for our health, but it can also be hard on our joints. Recovery is a key part of athletic performance, as this is what allows us to recoup and heal before going out again. If you find that you suffer from joint pain after a game or workout, CBD can help. Opt for a topical lotion or cream, or even add some CBD essential oils to a good soaking bath. This can be an all-natural alternative to pain medications that are often prescribed by doctors.

If you are an athlete, you don’t have to suffer through the pain, anxiety, or restlessness that can often be associated with playing sports. While the toll it takes on your body is bound to happen, CBD can be a great way to recover. After all, the goal is to stay in the game as long as you can! The key is to find a healthy, safe method of treatment that doesn’t violate doping laws.


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